what happens after the box…

A week has passed since the dōTERRA BOGO box…
& yes, I’ve been quiet

Being quiet does not mean something isn’t happening or rather that something isn’t brewing…
(now I know I need another cup of coffee)

Howling Oils is in the process of development – finding my own feet as to how I am going about sharing & caring with oils

If you should be interested in dōTERRA oils & all else that dōTERRA is offering…
Contact me to arrange a meeting (if I’m unsure, I’ll phone a friend who knows much more & who’s in the business of caring & sharing with oils)
– have a fun introduction to dōTERRA oils
– a mini pamper with dōTERRA oils
– lessons on natural solutions with dōTERRA oils
– a workshop on children immunity & a medicine cabinet makeover
– dōTERRA oils & animals (YES, there are dōTERRA oils that you can use with your animals)

I’m still learning…
BUT I do know is what I’ve experienced with the oils & that they’ve made a massive impact in our household!

Please let met help you get your hands on these incredible dōTERRA products!!